Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What is all the commotion about? A review of "The Hunger Games" trilogy

Why I read this book:

After reading over one thousand pages of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", I needed a change of pace. Pouring over an unflinching, dry account of history is hard work. I needed something light, something popular, something sweet after eating my vegetables, if you know what I mean (yup, it is still true: you cannot say "if you know what I mean" without it sounding like sexual innuendo... if you know what I mean). 

Perfect timing for "The Hunger Games" trilogy, and besides - people cannot seem to stop talking about it. I even read that archery is exploding in popularity due to these book and the movie (I swear, you can make anything cool if you put it in a movie). Sure, I am late to the party, but I am late to everything - I did not even learn how to ride a bike until I was twelve, so being behind the curve does not phase me. Besides, what better way to change direction away from World War II than to read about children being pitted against each other in a death match? Right... Oh well, too late now - I already purchased the books. 


1. You have a decent chance of finding something better by sticking your hand down a dumpster bin.
2. You can find something better in a thrift shop, and not in a cool way like Macklemore and Lewis.
3. You can find this book at your corner CVS. You can probably save a bit at Walmart, but you are willing to pay for convenience.
4. This book should come with a gift wrap, paper mache, and cinnamon sticks.
5. This book belongs in your private collection, next to the busts of Augustus and Bach. 


These are my thoughts as I made my way through the trilogy:

“The writing is rather simplistic. The sentences are short, and she writes like she is speaking.”
“This book is clearly aimed for 14-year olds and the unwashed masses. Everyone around me is a peasant.”
“Oh no, am I just getting old and bitter and out of touch?”
“This little sister angle is totally working. If I ever write anything, I must use that.”
“OK, I have to admit the concept is pretty clever.”
“Crap, it’s 12:30am.”
“I need to totally open a Hunger Games course. Some sort of a hybrid between a survival camp and paintball. Maybe have ziplining? No, that’s stupid. The ziplining, that is – the Hunger Games course is so money.”
"I wonder what Suzanne Collins looks like. I am picturing a Suzie Orman, but with dark hair."

No, YOU stop it, Suze Orman!

"Crap, it's 12:30am again."
"There is so much girl power in this book! I like that. If I were in a book club, I would definitely focus on that aspect of the book and the broader societal implications it carries. I should join a book club."
"If I find out Suzanne Collins is some crazy Glenn Beck fan, and this book is really her vision of what happens when Obamacare is fully implemented, I am going to be pissed."
"A book club with a manly twist. Maybe a Crossfit/book club hybrid? Today's workout: 15 minutes to find your one rep max squat snatch, 10 minutes to discuss the Hunger Games, then 'Fran'. Man, I am on fire!" 
"Wow, I was way off:"
In case you were wondering: Suzanne Collins does not look like Suze Orman.

"Crossfit/book club combination!? That is so STUPID. What was I thinking yesterday?"
"Still on board with the Hunger Games survival course idea, people would eat that up. If people pay good money to have their testicles zapped in ToughMudder/Zombie-thon/whatever, they will definitely pay for the Hunger Games survival course. Suzanne and I will split the profits 30/70. Ok, 40/60."


  1. I definitely went through the first few steps of your progression while reading these. I did not think of a CF/bookclub hybrid...dammit.

  2. "This book is clearly aimed at 14-year olds"...and Mish...(not a).
